Activity Developed

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4.1. The Teacher the classroom regent is of the feminine sex, with 31 years, bachelor, permitted in Philosophy, with After-graduation in Pedagogical Methodology of the Prxis in Average Ensino and Superior Average Education. 4.2. Group and Content Inside of discipline of Philosophy the selected group, for study were of 2 the series of Average Ensino of nocturnal in 2 the semester of the school year of 2004. The subject developed for the teacher during this research was the following one: The Philosophy as reflection on basic ideas.

4.3. The Pupils the group is constituted by 23 pupils; being 15 of feminine sex and 8 of the masculine sex, between 16 and 18 years. In the group only three repeating pupils exist. In its majority they are workers who inhabit in the periphery of the city. 4.4. Activity Developed For the concretion of this activity was carried through an initial contact with the School and the teacher to present the work project and to plan the activities. From this visits had been made, study meetings and then it was broken for the comment of the lessons. In the first observed lesson it was registered that the teacher initially presented the item of the foreseen content, following ahead with the texts to be worked in lesson.

With respect to content, the proposal initial was to the pupils a general idea of the respective one disciplines, its sprouting, its general concept, utility, and the beddings that support ideas and theories in elapsing of the History of the Philosophy, that is, to present its primrdios stop later following ahead with the specific time. The Plan of Lesson. Constructed for the teacher for these our meeting it is what it follows below. Plan of Lesson It dates/Period: 3 lessons Subject: The Philosophy as reflection on basic ideas. Objective: In the end of the lesson the pupil will have to be capable of: – To make an idea of what it is Philosophy and the one that it return.

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