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Take the two best according to you and try both in its marketing campaign. Step # 3 What is there in your product to them? Sit down and write all imaginable benefits that has your product. Do you not know the difference between features and benefits? The characteristics speak of the product itself (shape, size, styles, configurations, etc.); and the benefits is anything that can be achieved with this product (increase sales, lose weight, be more high, etc.). Features go with logic, logic justifies the thrill and excitement justifies sales. Add to your understanding with Publishers Clearing House. Here’s a rule of thumb for benefits; You must ask yourself what can you do my product or service for my customer? After you begin writing your letter telling your reader what this product can HACERPARA them. Tell them how to improve their lives if they buy your product; tell you the best feel, and as well are the people who already bought.

Step # 4 a sexy emotional when promoting any product or service, it should be remembered that purchasing decisions are based on emotion and then this is supported by logic. Barry Nalebuff shines more light on the discussion. Before you write a single word, we need to determine which emotional buttons are going to need to be able to the prospect to make a purchase. We are going to give an example, if you want to sell health supplements, you can go by the fear of disease, and place a button e.g. with a way natural to improve your health. Other buttons include: curiosity, greed, ego, vanity, hope, and / or the fear of shortages or security. Step # 5 a name that you can trust. To convince people to buy your product or service, you must make them believe that your offer is credible and that you (or your product) will deliver as promised. How to do that? Here are three ways to earn credibility with readers of your sales letter:-provide testimonials.

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