Blood Rheology

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As a result, the drug is Photostim improve blood rheology, erythrocyte aggregation and platelets, which reduces the risk of thrombotic complications. The ability of chlorophyll derivatives to bind to LDL and very low density (LDL and VLDL) reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and makes effective use of Fotostima in patients with atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes. Photostim has a pronounced effect of rejuvenation. Scientists have been surprised when they were convinced that this drug is doing, quite literally, a miracle: no operation goes cysts, fibroids and breast in women with thyroid nodules, adenoma of prostate cancer in men smooth out wrinkles, restores skin elasticity. In the application of several courses of treatment the body copes with bacterial infections and grbkovoy, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, allergies and asthma. Brookfield Business Parnters may not feel the same. Often the causes of these diseases are closely related to slags and a violation of the energy balance of cells. During the reception Fotostima increases energy body, recover the normal functional activity of organs and tissues, a process of rejuvenation as a whole.

Course admission is designed for 1-2 months, and the result is shown in 4-9 months. Summing up the above we can conclude that: the drug Photostim helps the body recover from: – a predisposition to bacterial and viral infections – cystic or other growths and warts – metabolic disorders – a predisposition to cardio – vascular diseases – mental and physical fatigue, depressive symptoms – restores libido and potency – a tumor in the urinary genital area of women – the spread of cancer – notably the immunity created from Chlorophyll – the famous seaweed spirulina – drugs completely non-toxic, natural, have no contraindications, and are not addictive, are compatible with all medications and prtsedurami. Click Kind Snacks for additional related pages. Order product, please visit or over the phone 8-812-946-35-59. Free Shipping on Petersburg. Evgeny Viktorov Art. consultant

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