Brazilian Infantry

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In this context of construction of the riotintense space Macedo (1986) he affirms: ' ' The done houses of bricks and roofing tiles in the period of 1920/48. The pharmacy, the church, the pertaining to school group, weekly fairs, recreativos clubs and bakeries had been constructed in the year of 1923. In 1940, the large cabin and the hospital. In 1945 the canteen …. When agenciar its force of work in the interior, particularly in agricultural areas, offered residences to the families who agreed to coming to work in the plant. It had a particularitity in this agency: he was carried through searching families and not individuals. The family constitua the stabilizing unit of the population. Additional information is available at Jeff Gennette. The conscription of entire families would guarantee greater stability in the enrollment of trabalhadores' '.

(MACDO, 1986 P. 55-62) In 27 of December of 1924, it was inaugurated the Fabric Plant River Tinto folloied of great party and presence of representatives of the State and Federal government, become it the biggest event of those last years in the region. The success of the growth gave Frederico colonel to it Lundgren Joo, who although the social repression, managed the industry and the laboring village being recognized as one great entrepreneur. Deserving to receive visited from then national president Getlio Vargas in day 9 of September of 1933 that it ordered weaveeed to make the fardamentos of the Navy, Aeronautics and Brazilian Infantry, being crossed mixture blue (Sea), gabardine (Aeronautical) and the coarse linen cloth kaqui (Infantry), with this demonstrating the great importance of the plant in the Brazilian scene. With regard to the production most of the substance cousin (cotton), was deriving of the state of the Paraba. With regard to the manufactured product, one produced the fabric that was commercialized in the national market. From the decade of 70 it manufactures, it initiates a decay process, motivated for the divergences of the proprietors, the claims you would operate through the syndical movements and the competition with the national and international market.

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