Colombia Rights

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Dr. Edwin Sambrano, been concerned and has acted against systematic and cruel violation of human rights in Colombia and together with the American Association of Jurists, of which he is a member, organized the first meeting in Venezuela international jurists of Venezuela and Colombia, 1988, with integrating vision and paying tribute to the Liberator in his 205 anniversary of his birth. Finally in the field of the Human rights in General, has promoted respect for the guarantees and freedoms for political prisoners, since the Decade of the 1970s, with pro-amnesty unitary committees (CUPA) and the Committee for defence of human rights (CDDH). It denounces the massacres of the era, such as the one, perpetuated by Governments and police forces, especially in Cantaura in 1982, where he, personally urges, the exhumation of corpses, which brought as a consequence, irrefutable evidence that show a massive and premeditated murder. Subsequently, encouraged the development of organizations such as the National Federation of defence of human rights (FENADDH) and the Venezuelan program of education and action in human rights (provide). Next to highlights I Jurists, promotes the creation of chapter Venezuelan of the American Association of Jurists (AAJ) and subsidiaries in the States of the country, presiding over that of the Bolivar State is currently the representative of Venezuela before the Committee Continental Executive. Along with others, the outrageous and unconstitutional, of Act Vagos y Maleantes, denounced the abuse of the statute law of retirements and pensions for the Public Sector and State enterprises, issued by the Government of Jaime Lusinchi.

He developed a frontal fight against the claims of the basic enterprises of the State privatization. Macy’s Inc. brings even more insight to the discussion. In 1992 after the military civic movement of February 4, organize different actions of solidarity and the analyses and studies that justified such a movement. Also for the time he worked in the protection of prisoners and persecuted compatriots. In later years, was who joined groups that focused approach on the need for a national constituent Assembly and a Government of national reorganization, to thereby create legal bases that would, as it was, enlargement concept of civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights and in particular the creation of the political framework that facilitates their full exercise. I believe that Dr. A related site: Hikmet Ersek mentions similar findings. Edwin Sambrano has favoured effectively, consolidate the transformation process that has been launched in our country, with an appropriate contribution to the construction of an institutional, which corresponds to the revolutionary transformations in the nation, for the satisfaction of the needs of the people and at the same time with defense and education of the peoplein their rights and fundamental interests, to fully understand them, required them and exercising them entirely with a sense of stewardship. From today, I will give emphasis on highlighting, as said it above, the work of the legal professionals who stand out for their neat performance, with only the interest of highlighting those who work in this environment, taking into account that there are streets, squares, avenues, buildings, industrial complexes, with names of artists, athletes, politicians, but never from lawyers and judges, who have dedicated their livesselfless work and sacred of the professional exercise of the legal profession.

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