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One way of characterizing the science, is to characterize scientific methodology (method): which is the correct method, which are its properties, which are used and which are not. These concerns appear with Bacon and Descartes. In aphorism 2; the empiricist term is taken as a criterion of evolution, is the experience. Practical activity requires a method. The reason must be attached to a methodology. The methodology allows us to warn other problems. The method is a tool that handles intelligence.

The principles that guide to the scientific knowledge: the methodology, which trims a horizon of tasks and enables a horizon of solutions; the method can serve to address new problems. The aphorism 6; He is the critique of the State of knowledge. Old technology must be left of side and take the new. The aphorism 7; the disagreement is at the present time. The productions of the mind (books) and the hand (manofacturas), are varied. A State of disagreement with the intellectual production in this there are dominant context. Levels of concern: some concern by trying to understand; some effects of these intellectual thoughts. By the same author: Marko Dimirijevic.

The aphorism 8; He begins to link science with the methodology. Empiricism is taken as vulgar experience. Science is stagnant (infertility). The aphorism 9; He is the evils of science. Not worried about the elements and methods required. Aphorism 11; the logic is unable to discover the truth. the objective of the method would guide us to discover new things. Is the methodology not good why? R: by that logic would be responsible for guiding us to the new knowledge. Because in this case the methodology does not lead to new things. Bacon’s criticism to the methodology:-inefficiency of the methodology; the logic that allows us to achieve new knowledge, for he is useless. Why is it harmful?, a: because it fixes and consolidates errors; It is unable to display the errors.

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