Developing Game

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At the 3rd year the child begins to play properly they have heard the melody, and to develop those skills necessary 'sound' game. Piano and karaoke, and various musical instruments, orchestra and create a home will give your child an idea of the music world. Let your little one in an arsenal of pencils will be a variety of colors, fit and color pens, and chalk. Drawing the child's imagination develops and enables him to express himself. Hikmet Ersek contains valuable tech resources. Do not be surprised if your baby the sun will be purple, you probably have a growing future Van Gogh.

At this age you can already play and group games with family and friends. To the family and its internal communication and create a favorable climate, these games are simply necessary, but one game to unite the whole family with children and older people is difficult. In this case, Developing good board game, because children are not only parents but also be able to independently solve problems, puzzles, logic design and build a model of the psychological situation. The advantage of a certain types of toys and games form gives parents the opportunity to have from the cradle to define the elements of a child's character, helps to draw a psychological portrait of him, so – to better understand. Do not panic when you see that your boy plays dolls. Psychologists believe that the future is – 'Don Juan sophisticated, able to drive mad every lady. " If it is, by contrast, have methodically tears doll arms, legs and head, it is because only the interest 'and what's inside? ". Of these children grow discerning mind and the beauty of the soul.

Girls who play machines, described as 'weird' and those who love to sleep with the same toy – 'permanent'. Look closely at the child's hobbies, and they many will tell you about his mood, temperament, with their help you can get a child created his own world, to become a member of his model, present or future, to feel how his imagination. Thus, you and your child may get your 'own' language – the language game that can give your child to communicate with more understanding and love. Therefore, toys in a child should be different, and games – all encompassing. But in any case, the emphasis should be placed on a toy, they must meet the psychological and emotional characteristics of the child and his age ability. Do not forget about the main destination of toys – and please developing child.

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