Dzungaria Products

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All of these products had another common feature – they are convenient for direct use in cold. Thus, the Kazakh cuisine, if it applied today concept, was largely a cold kitchen table. Products of agriculture later entered the Kazakh menu. The first seed that became known then occupied the Kazakhs and mainstreamed in their kitchen as a national grass was millet – panic and ku-za, derived initially from Dzungaria and Central Asia as a result of barter, and then partially cultivated Kazakhs settled in the southern regions of Kazakhstan. Learn more about this with University of Houston. Once in the XVIII century.

significant part of Kazakhstan joined Russia in the diet of the Kazakhs were increasingly used products of agriculture – mainly grain (wheat, rye), and flour it received in exchange for livestock products. But until the 60-70s of XIX century. flour and flour products were used mainly wealthy Kazakhs. Only in the last third of the XIX century. When the economy of Kazakhstan has begun to develop a greater connection with the economy of Russia, as a result of capitalist penetration relationship it has increased class differentiation and the impoverished, deprived animals Kazakhs, unable to continue a nomadic life, became engaged in farming, only flour and flour products have come to occupy an increasing and larger place in Kazakh cuisine. Thus, by the end of XIX – beginning of XX century.

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