Economic Zonings

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Of these Demographic Situations they result the Tipologias Territorial, that are joint of systematic characteristics that one determined territory presents, and that it allows to classify it in function of its general demographic behavior and of its urban and agricultural trends. After that, criteria are considered to compare the different degrees of economic dynamisms, and to infer the consequncias of this, in the areas where the Ecological-Economic Zonings had been carried through. This comparison allowed to identify to the degree of specialization or diversification of the productive structure, and the presence of dynamic sectors (sectors of fast growth) or not dynamic (sectors of slow growth) in each one of the cities where the Ecological-Economic Zoning was concluded. Of these comparisons the Economic Types, that can be understood as the situation of a territory, in terms of its respective sectorial profile had resulted Territorial. This profile it can lead to a growth or a decrease of the local economy, in function of the existence, or not, of a dynamic sector in the local productive base, and of the superiority, or not, of this last element, on the sectorial composition, understanding itself for dynamic a sector, the local level, that grow the same in rhythm that the same sector, the national level. The demographic evolution, the behavior and the characteristics of the sectorial productive structure of the local economy, when agreed, lead to the constatao of definitive regularidades, that we can call of Territorial Standards. These are understood as the demographic and economic regularidades that a territory presents, in terms of the increase, or reduction of its population, and its trends to the urbanization or the ruralizao, combined with situations of a growth of the local economy, above or below of the average tax of growth of the national economy, and with situations of growth to per local average captain above or below of the national average per capita growth. .

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