European Hydrocarbons

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As if the world blood case, oil It defines the importance of movement arteries and marked as areas of surgical operations and conflict (wars) points that threaten their physiology as an agency of the world economy, both in circulation as a generation. Are the seas and rivers of the world not precisely water arteries, but tanker plasma; and they are countries and regions having deposits of hydrocarbons, the generative bone marrow of the world economy. Any nodular condition of critical points affects the global system, triggering alarms of world unrest, generating panic, dreams or nightmares of war, unleashing malicious speculation and rising prices. As far as Venezuela concerns, first world reserve of hydrocarbons, m apparently oblivious to combat or of destabilization scenarios affecting the leathery properties of the vital liquid (that I already said, it is worth much more than water), printing cannot result more fraudulent. It is true, to clarify the mention of Egypt in as black article on oil, nobody will say that their mutinous atmosphere is due to reasons essentially oil companies, although it possesses significant deposits, in addition to gas.

You suffer from social and economic convulsions, the familiar aftermath of exclusion and impoverishment generated by the systemic capitalist model. But how weighs in the balance of considerations of oil consumers and European countries the imagination of the country losing stability, not so much by his status as ally or country with certain reserves of hydrocarbons? do not inconsiderable?! by its very important transportation channel! How it hurts in the lower abdomen that dearer black gold for reasons as strictly non-oil, such as social unrest, hunger, political transitions, etc! Egypt would happen on the train from oblivion with their present convulsions if not for these coatings: something of hydrocarbons in the coffers and, significantly, the geostrategic importance of your channel. Ergo, is not talkative to infer that concerns woven into its political environment have overtones of Machiavellian friendly, concerned love, affection hidrocarburante? digasmolo as well?, the one that leaves no wind no affective calculation on the Board of the world energy.

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