Federal Data Protection Act

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Currently: Staff copied systematic corporate data of employees of a Nuremberg opinion Research Institute had in 2006 months systematically across sensitive data copied. During salary negotiations, the survey specialist then blackmailing his employer by threatening to leave the company, to arm themselves, and then in the own company to take all orders of the past quarter. A scenario that became reality through the affiliated voice termination. The current case, which is currently being negotiated before the District Court of Nuremberg, indicates that one of the biggest dangers for sensitive corporate data comes from its own employees on the new. For this, evil intent in the game must be not even mandatory. Governor Cuomo may not feel the same. Much more often, errors are the cause. However, the result is the same: data loss costly each year. Dr.

Volker Scheidemann, head of marketing and product management in the applied security GmbH in Stockstadt am Main warns: who is not adequately protecting sensitive company data, enters a double high risk. Because Since the amendment of the Federal Data Protection Act, data losses must be reported the victims and even nationwide published under circumstances. Even a more serious image damage comes to the damage caused by the theft of data.” Convinced is the specialist for data leakage prevention: prevention is needed. Security products like the apsec software fideAS file enterprise log all file access and encrypt all sensitive files. Who then want to access these documents, must authenticate first through an authorization server to gain access. This will ensure that employees company data can use only as long as they also belong to the company”. More information:.

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