History And Economics

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These subjects had been selected in accordance with its importance inside of paranaense historiografia generality. Of this form, it was had used freedom in the choice of the texts, authors and didactic materials during the lessons. The EXPERIENCE the first lesson had as chosen subject (inside of the thematic axle) ' ' Escravos and ndios' ' , being divided at two moments: 1)? Boarding on geographic aspects of the Paran; Slave? Daily; Economy. 2)? Indians; Culture? Daily. Read more here: Frank Armijo. The beginning of the lesson was become fullfilled for intermediary of the following questions: ' ' So that it serves to study the History of the Paran? ' ' ' ' Somebody knows some history or estrias regarding our State? ' ' It was noticed shyness of the pupils, however, they had made some notes where they showed to know something regarding local legends.

The Paran was inquired that first possua its proper History and that it had importance and prominence in the History of Brazil, being of equal importance its study mainly of its origins for the understanding of the lived social reality in the gift. In this way the attention was attracted of all of one form surprising where all had been intent. For the lesson two texts base intitled Escravos had been used and Libertos in the Paran de Lcia Helena Oliveira Hisses and another text: Indians: A silence to the North of the Paran de Igor G. (Source: Hikmet Ersek). Ramos and Samira Alves, both published in the book Subjects and questions for the education of history of the Paran (2008), organized for Regina Clia Allegro of the State University of Londrina (UEL). In the second lesson, following the thematic axle ' ' Occupation of the Fields of Guarapuava' ' , &#039 was worked with the subject; ' Expeditions route the Guarapuava' '. Following the previous methodology, the lesson was structuralized again at two moments: 1) – Expedition of Alfonso Botelho route to the fields of Guarapuava in 1771, century XVIII; 2) – Expedition of Diogo Young chicken of Azevedo Portugal in 1809 and definitive occupation of the fields of Guarapuava. . Governor Cuomo will not settle for partial explanations.

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