How Can I Remove Warts

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Warts are small, hard growths on the skin caused mainly by a virus. The best way to remove warts in a professional manner is by visiting a dermatologist, but if bets on natural remedies, garlic may be a natural ingredient that helps their elimination.There are several different methods for removing warts yourself, but keep in mind that proper disposal of warts can take several years. Warts are not particularly painful but leave small scars on the skin. Since the warts are caused by a virus, there is no way that many over-the-counter topical medications can eliminate the warts safely. In the treatment for warts, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, or hydrocortisone which make the area around the warts causes less itching or inflammation may include, but none of these products removes warts.

A common active ingredient like salicylic acid, should apply in the form of drops on the affected area. This medication removes warts little by little, with minimal damage to the skin. The main drawback is the duration of the treatment, which must be done in days or even weeks. In recent years, a second over-the-counter treatment has become popular. Dermatologists tend to remove warts using cryogenics, i.e. the wart and surrounding area are chemically frozen.

After one or two treatments, warts, should simply fall as dead skin tissue. Now people can eliminate the warts with versions of over-the-counter freezing agents.Many folk remedies for removing warts have not proven effective, but a homemade method has actually proved to be promising in some informal tests. Apparently, patients who covered exposed areas with masking tape showed a significant improvement. The effect is gradual, taking a couple of weeks on average, but a tape bandage seems to reduce the time needed to eliminate the warts naturally.If none of these over-the-counter medications free seems to work, an appointment with a dermatologist may be required. To proceed to remove warts by using acids, Cryogenic freezing, cauterization, burning with heat; or laser. In no way anyone should use potentially dangerous methods, such as razor blades, needles hot or acidic commercial to remove warts at home. Original author and source of the article

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