Industrial Quarter Great

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In such a way we evidence that how much its purpose nothing got excited since its process of occupation. How much to the use of the ground and the alterations of the landscape, these yes had suffered great changes and evidently it will continue to suffer. What to say with this affirmation and that it is that these modifications had not happened in random way that is, the man as great transforming it space and looking for to adjust it, it modifies it its necessities in accordance with. We notice that the existing structure in prainha at the beginning of its occupation took care of the necessities of that moment. In this way we want to say that the spaces are modified chronological in accordance with the requirements human beings. Therefore we want to stand out the importance to analyze the constant modifications that most of the time are provoked by in, and in them they bring as many consequences since we are inserted in the spaces that modify. Conclusion the present project of research looked for to make an analysis of the occured changes in prainha of the Industrial Quarter.

Initiating for its functionality in the time, therefore prainha served of summering for high sergipana society in one determined period and arriving to be abandoned and to be revitalized, everything this because of the transformations brought with the development of the region, thus moving its functionality and its landscape. Having the initial name of prainha, the region received the implantation from txteis plants and with them the arrivals from a great contingent from inhabitants. The plant constructed houses and yielded, for its workers, thus it had a growth of that area and together with this growth it came to the pollution in such a way on the part of the inhabitants as on the part of the industries that play in the river for pipes its lixos.

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