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That measures must be made to diminish the risks of the Investments? Normally, the intention when investing is exactly to see the money to relieve. Therefore, it is important to take some cares, over all in relation the frauds, that can be prevented. It must inquire on investments and companies well, before investing; to speak with other people who already had made similar investments; to get information of state and federal regulating agencies; to never accept any proposal without analyzing minutely about what one is; to prevent investment chances that promise great returns in a space of very short time, that they seem to be ‘ ‘ good excessively to be verdade’ ‘ probably, they are not! Any investment is displayed to the risk of inflationary corrosion, with this the common consumer must be intent that any investment that comes to make, this must at least surpassing the tax of the saving. When if it says in personal finances the principles adopted in enterprise finances very start to be useful. risk of an application can be reduced, but, never eliminated.

This reduction of exposition to the risk happens for the diversification. A principle I validate and essential for the investments is that we do not have to all apply the capital in an only investment. For example, instead of buying an only action, it invests in a stock fund that folloies some index of the stock market. The person who saved and wants to invest, must diversify and follow an order and that she must take in account the age, time of rescue, liquidity and yield of an investment. All objective application income that can be understood as remuneration of applied capital or interests. An investment alone will have success if to get yield on the invested capital as the minimum possible risk. In case that it has diffidence of an investment, it consults the PROCON of the city and discovers if already claims exist on it.

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