JAYET Individual

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With the emergency of the Occupational Health the call advances-seuma proposal on the basis of Industrial Hygiene (Insatisfao is diferentede Not Satisfaction), that together the environment of work and the individual (body) diligent. (DEJOURS; ABDOUCHELI; JAYET, 1993). Destaforma initiated a more global vision of the individual, that possesss tambmnecessidade of recognition. The focus was directing to the health of the diligent eno more separately the sick individual. Minayo-Gomeses and Thedim (1997) affirm, then, that the Medicine of the Work and the Occupational Health are part of trajetopermanente of conceptual and practical landmark definition of the relation of the serhumano with the work. He does not only treat yourself to detect perigos instalandoequipamentos of security with intention to benefit the worker, but of chegars .causing roots of the agravos and consequently the trabalhosinstaurados changes of. Thinking about this, recently it was pointed in II the ConferenciNacional de Sade of the Worker, the substitution of the Internal Commissions dePreveno of Employment-related accidents – CIPA for Commissions of Health aiming at: to intervene with the forms of production and organization dotrabalho; to guarantee the right of information on health substances, seguranae environment to all the workers; to guarantee the refusal right, of embargoe interdiction front to the risks that affect the physical integrity and/or psquicados workers (NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF HEALTH OF the WORKER, 1994, P. 32).

Vieira, Barros and Lima (2007, p.156) affirm that ' ' the work has been considered of distinct forms, each qualreservando a proper place to it in the determination of the processes of construction dossujeitos, the sociability and the relations queproduz ingenuous attempts to combine concepts and techniques with different fundamentosepistemolgicos. To the psychologist she is necessary to know to articulate the diversospressupostos, reflecting on the different conceptions of man, man/society, science and research that has bedding (JACQUES, 2003). It is through such practical that opsiclogo if it affirms while professional and it convinces> society of the carteressencial of its work.

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