Jean Piaget

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Ahead of the observed one in practical in the institution-field, one notices that this type of education modality comes to take care of to the unit of the pupil-worker, who for diverse reasons had not been capable to inside conclude its studies of the period destined to the same ones. Stimulated for the new forms of work organizations and the necessity to supply, how much before, the necessities of the market, if propagate in an education concept for which this modality of education comes, through the State, to promote the inclusion of the pupil-worker to the net publishes of education, or before, to rescue the citizen excluso of offers proportionate for the qualified demand of production. This particularitity conceived in the pupil-worker, or also pupil-delayed, by means of its social conditions, economic and politics, they are considerable and excellent for the analysis of the aspects that justify the implantation of this modality of education and its objectives. However, another factor of essential relevance is the organizacional estruturao and qualification of the institutions of education in the adequacy of rendering of services the community with the purpose of positive results that produce improvements and advances for the social welfare. Western Union has plenty of information regarding this issue. BOARDING HISTRICO-CULTURAL Leaving of the facts analyzed in practical of the institution-field and the studies carried through from the data and the texts collected after bibliographical survey on the subject, one of the possible conclusions that if arrive is the essential factor of the learning in a description-cultural context.

The illustrious representative greater of this theory is Russian psychologist Lev S. Vigotsky (1896-1934), as much in the field of the psicogentico development, in the conceptualization of superior functions psychological in the teach-learning in the education. The main distinction observed for Vigotsky how much to the effective theories, over all of the Swiss biologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980), that it admitted periods of training predefined genetically that, as consequncia, supported the predominance of the internal factors on the external factors (inatista conception).

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