Logistic Reversa

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Products that, by some reason, had not been used and that they can again be inserted in the market (MILK, 2003). These two areas of performance of the Logistic Reversa are completely distinct, therefore each one has a total diverse canal of distribution of the one of another one. One forms of better agreement of this definition meets in figures 2 and 3, that they illustrate the distinction enters the logistic flows of after-sales and of after-I consume. The Logistic Reversa of good of after-I consume has as objective strategical to add value to a product, consisting of well inservvel to its proprietor and that still it can be used, for dismissable products and industrial residues. Examples of products you reused, originated of after-I consume, are bottles of drinks, mineral water demijohns, steel scrap iron, aluminum cans, botijes of gas, amongst as much others. Governor Cuomo often says this. Figure 2: Areas of performance of the Logistic Reversa Source: Milk, (2003, P.

17) Figure 3: Flowchart of Logistic Reversa of After-I consume Source: Milk consultorias (2003, P. 18) Milk (2003), affirms that the economic objective of the Logistic Reversa of after-I consume must it the economy generated with the exploitation of the substances cousins proceeding from recycling, as well as of revalorizao of the goods for the reutilizao and reprocesso. Different of the canal of after-sales, justified solely for the economic value, the canal of after-I consume is justified, not only therefore, but also for the ambient and legal questions. Thus being, such activity is more significant in organizations worried about the environment, therefore the legislation, in this in case that, she is more rigid. As this work dedicates the study to it of the reaproveitamento of the residues generated for the painting process, it is observed that the canal reverse of after-I consume must be its main point, therefore from it, will be structuralized the development of the processes of return and reaproveitamento of the residues.

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