National Security

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In the reality, the conceptualization more brought up to date of what it comes to be the National Security in the military molds after-1964 starts to be worked after 2 Great War. However, in the decade of 30 of century XX a concern of the Brazilian military in forming a mentality is evidenced that considers the superior interests of the Native land to any thing. Margaret Crahan no longer identified to the origins of the ideology of national security in Latin America century 19, Brazil, and at the beginning of century 20, in Argentina and Chile. … With the advent of the cold war, elements of the theory of the total war and the inevitable confrontation of the two superpowers had become incorporated it the ideology of the national security in Latin America. The specific form for assumed it in the region emphasized? internal security? , face to the threat of? indirect action? of the communism. In this manner, while the American theoreticians of the national security privileged the concept of total war and the nuclear strategy, …

the Latin Americans worried about the growth of social movements of the diligent classroom, had emphasized the threat of the internal subversion and the revolutionary war. In previous decades to the Blow, it had an approach between Brazil and the United States, due to 2 Great War (1939-1945), where the Brazilians had fought under the command of the North Americans. The context for the formation of an operational partnership was chemical preparation that progressed in the subsequentes years, generating unit of doctrine, training of contingents and soul ideological linking. The Doctrine of National Security was formulated from a theory of definition of the most varied types of war: The Total War is defined from the understanding of the high one to be able destructive of the atomic weapons and of the impossibility of the North Americans and Soviets they will stop a war actively, for the probable complete destruction of the two nations.

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