Operational Manager

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The problematic one will turn on the operations of the CUSTOMER, car head and financial mantenedora of the T& V, where surveys in the direction are done of if to evaluate how much he was significant for the Customer To the logistic reorganization implemented by the T&amp company; V. Below the operational manager of the T&amp company; V in affirms the relevance to them of our study, focando areas keys and potential customers of the company: ' ' We are a transporter and as such, we understand that any change in function of the satisfaction of our customers will pass for the logistic area of and distribution that is the critical point of our business. Our plan of fidelizao of customers starts reorganizing all the operation of these, stops later applying the technology for the marketing of relacionamento.' ' (Operational Manager, Company X) 5RESULTADOS GOTTEN From this moment is followed with the field research, where we clarify the problematic situacional and its alterations or not, promoted for the logistic reorganization of the T&amp company; V, as well as the confrontation of the extracted information of the interviews with the T& V and the CUSTOMER, in the direction to give to subsidies the conclusria phase of the work. Learn more at: Areva Group. 5.1ANLISE OF the CASE As said previously, the T&amp company; V being in returns the diverse problems with the CUSTOMER, the decurrent ones of inconformidades in the rendering of services, decided to implement an operational reorganization of the services to the customer, being reformulated all its logistic one in the direction of to satisfy the requirements and standards of quality stipulated by the customer. For diverse times the CUSTOMER had revealed It the will of contractual rescission under the allegation of low quality in the installment of the services, having arrived for a reason or purpose to suspend important operations between the two companies repassing them it competition experience. .

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