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THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PEOPLE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECTS. Rosangela Leidentz, AJES. SUMMARY This atigo, of qualitative nature, has as objective to analyze the application of the Management of Projects today used globally and without distinction for great corporations, governments and small non-profit organizations. The leadership in Management of Projects is a competitive ability highly looked as distinguishing so that new business-oriented projects and development are completed in the stated period and inside of the budget. Professionals who work in the management of projects will direct the prosperous development of new companies. The management of projects becomes, to each day, vital for the reach of success in the development of initiatives of the organizations. Its bigger objective is reflected in the necessity to manage projects that take care of to the strategical objectives of the organization, adding value and that they result in the considered benefits and so that this occurs is necessary that performance of the people in the total context of company. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Projects, Management and People.

1. INTRODUCTION planned Enterprise that consists of a set of interrelated actions and coordinates, for reach of objectives and results, inside of the limits of a budget and a period of given time. (ONU, 1984). The present article sample that the power to decide process in the organizations if converts into the essence of the managemental ability, where the responsibility of the manager is to decide the best alternative for each moment where if it finds the organization, in order to guarantee the results waited in the work of the people (collaborating). It has for general objective to identify, as if of the o process of taking of decision in the organizations in the management of projects and which the importance of the people in this performance. All the organizations depend, in greater or minor degree, of the human performance for the success.

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