Presidency Form

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The intention of if creating an Official Document Writing Manual was for trying to uniformizar the official communications, in reason of the great diversification in the communications in the internal and external scope of the Institution, how much to its format and its modalities. To know to write is difficult, according to Clarisce Lispecto: ‘ ‘ Not, it is not easy to write. He is hard as to break rochas.’ ‘ Thus this manual aims at a more easy and agile way to write with precision, clarity, concision, impessoalidade and uniformity, beyond facilitating the interpretation of the message in the communications, searching to become accessible and apresentvel the official communications, taking care of, therefore, the textualidade standards. Based in the Writing Manual of the Presidency of the Republic of 2002 and in the Official Writing Manual of. the Oliveira Rasp, as well as, other sources, this manual more contemplates the used modalities of official communications inside of Institution as: Act, Certified, Acknowledgment, Certificate, Internal Communication, (CI Electronics), Official notice, Contract, Accord, Forwarding, Proclamation, Declaration, FAX, Message Electronic, Legal-size, Legal-size Circular, Administrative order, To seem, Would carry, Report, Regiment, Regulation and Petition.

It will be presented, therefore, the concepts of Official Communication or Writing and its modalities; what it differs in its format and content and who must forward. With intention to search a form to guide the users of the Public Service to elaborate of a more practical form and with a language directed toward the Official Communication. OFFICIAL STANDARDIZATION OF THE COMMUNICATIONS OR DOCUMENTS ‘ ‘ It does not have urgent subjects, has subjects atrasados.’ ‘ In accordance with the Writing Manual of the Presidency of Republic (MENDES, FORSTER JNIOR? 2002) The Official Writing is ‘ ‘ the way for which the Public Power writes normative acts comunicaes’ ‘. Its purpose ‘ ‘ main it is to innovate with clarity and objetividade.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ The basic purpose of the Official Writing is to transmit an information of the public agency to other public sectors or the community, of this form it is essential that the texts are written of impersonal form and with principle clareza.’ ‘ (DANIEL RASP) the Official Writing has some characteristics on the basis of Article 37 of the Constitution, that says: ‘ ‘ The direct, indirect or fundacional administration public, of any Being able of them of the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Cities will obey the principles of the legality, impessoalidade, morality, advertising and efficiency (…) ‘ ‘.

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