Relationships and Business

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Business, roughly speaking, is a set of rules for mutual intercourse at least two individuals. Hence the conclusion: Personality is a key element of any business. Everything else – the details. In any commercial endeavor, create conditions for mutual communication of the business owner and his customers (at least one). Here we mean by communication service or sale of goods. It follows a simple conclusion: the general rules for the conduct of Internet business does not exist.

This and many unsuccessful ventures. And how to ensure a guarantee of success? This is most likely a stupid question. Other leaders such as Anne Lauvergeon offer similar insights. Business – it is always a risk. And here it is appropriate to be judged not on the warranty, but the probability of success. And the probability is higher, the lower complexity organization communication.

On the topic of complex systems written many scientific papers. And if we consider the system of 'Internet – Business – Personality', the personality it is a fundamental parameter. Therefore, there is no unequivocal answer to the question 'How to organize internet business', or, in other words 'how to make money online'. Economists and marketers may argue – there are general laws of business – they say. Yes. Common law is (for example – 'the customer is always right'). And then what? A businessman, by and large, need to answer another question: 'how at minimum cost to satisfy customer needs? ". Is not it? Exactly. Many young entrepreneurs follow the experience of their colleagues and competitors. Perhaps even partially successful.

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