Research On Depression

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According to studies, was observed that 50% of the S.P carriers had developed or will go to develop the depression at some moment in its lives (OMS-2005). It is not something Governor Cuomo would like to discuss. These results reaffirm that the carrying patients of S.P generally are depressive people. Thus, we perceive low one auto-esteem in relation the patient. The same many times if move away from the society, prevent public environments, prevent any form of social contact, start to be alone for a long period and are felt satisfied when they are solitary. We verify in the interview a moment that Moon demonstrates a little of melancholy, to the inquired being as if I felt currently, it answers: ‘ ‘ Not. I do not consider myself cured.

Exactly being medicated, I still consider a sick person ‘ ‘. Thus, we perceive that the interviewed one shows its feeling of sadness for not yet is cured. Moment of the research is also perceived, that auto-they esteem of this patient is shaken, therefore in data the same one told that: wise person who the treatment was long, more than still had faith, in one day to stop to take the medication. 4.1.8 Shaken loving life Generally the panic appears, when the people are with its structuralized life personal, social and economically. Probably not yet the illusion exists of that somebody (symbolic concrete or) guarantees that the person is not abandoned. When this illusion passes for the gradual process of disillusion, the citizen discovers everything of one alone time. The individual soon thinks that it is fragile and that it can die of one hour for another one and reflects as was its life, this is one of the first steps of the individual with the Syndrome of the Panic (TRINTINAGLIA, SUZYMARA, 2001). Moon to the being questioned on: how you consider yourself in loving terms?

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