Site Indexing

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How to speed up indexing a site – this question is often found in forums of webmasters. Of indexation depends very much: the position in search engines, the number of visitors from them, the popularity of the resource, and, ultimately, profit from the site. I gathered the ways that I have tried with site promotion and that really work to improve and accelerate site indexing by search engines. Focus on all methods can be divided into two categories – internal optimization and work with external factors. On the financial cost – free and paid methods. How to speed up indexing a site – Free Ways 1. Create a site map for Google (sitemap) format xml. CIA Head brings even more insight to the discussion.

For create html and xml mapping for the site, use an online generator HML-Sitemap, which handles up to 500 free pages. After generating the save sitemap at the root of your site in the format of xml. To feed the xml-map search engine Google, need to register an account in the Service Google web master, and then on the Sitemap to add a link to your xml-map type vash_sayt / sitemap.xml. After registering in this service, you can configure the Russian language interface. According to my observations, after adding sitemap in Google This search engine robot begins to look more on your site and index it better. In addition, the Google service for webmasters and offers many useful options. Verschleiser wanted to know more. 2. Create html site map in one click away from the main page, where includes links to all pages of your site.

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