Social Life

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When working for the common good, the human beings compensate its fraquezasindividuais. Adler believed that the social interest is innate; the humanosso social creatures by its very nature, not for habit. However, as qualqueroutra natural aptitude, this innate predisposition does not appear spontaneously, but it needs to be guided and to be trained to become fullfilled itself. LIFE STYLE the life style is the principle that explains singularidadeda person. All have a life style, but two people with omesmo do not exist style.

It form very early in infancy, by return of four oucinco years, and from the experiences is assimilated there and used only style of life segundoesse. The person can adopt new ways to express seuestilo of only life, but they are only concrete and particular examples domesmo basic style found since tenra age. All the people have the same goal, of superiority, masexistem myriad ways to search it. A person to become superior, developing the intellect, while another one dedicates to all its efforts to the searched muscular perfection. Therefore, all comport5amento of the person if originates deseu life style. The person perceives, she apprehends and hold back what she is adjusted she aoseu life style and she ignores the remain. The life style determines as the person faces trs' ' problems of vida' ' of the adult age: social relations, occupation, eamor and marriage.

The preliminary versions of these problems during are infnciacentram in the friendships, the school and the opposing sex. When the attempts doindivduo to deal with these tasks is guided by the social interest, eleest in ' ' useful side of vida' '. If the personal superiority substitutes ointeresse social as goal, the person if distance of the tasks of the life and is in ' ' side intil' ' of the life. Adler described four different styles of life, each umconceitualizado in terms of the degree of social interest and activity: The type ' ' dominante' ' it has much activity, but it poucointeresse social.

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