Sylitol Konzentrat

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Now you know what to do. But in order to render stayed on the ground, filling in the plaster and paint on the putty to use a primer (usually forget about it or just save). There is a simple molar truth – “What is the basis of currents and cover!” The choice of ground for plaster and putty. For example, consider the case where must perform all operations, and this is causing the plaster, puttying and painting. After removing the old finish materials, they saw the need to repair plaster (sometimes it is the bay), remove the bad holding sections of plaster. Now we define what we used primer before applying the plaster.

If the substrate is very absorbent, very loose, it should hold together – use of deep soil penetration For example Caparol TiefGrund tb this material can also be used in preparing the base for a plaster base. If the base is not uniform absorption is corrected soil Sylitol Konzentrat diluted 2:1 with water, this material gets into depth of the base and strengthens its fine particles, thereby aligns its absorbency. If the base poorly absorbed, is dense, in such cases, use pigmented primers, and if you then will be applied to heavy layer of material (plaster coating, decorative coating) primer must contain quartz sand. Use Caparol-Putzgrund – this material is diluted with water and has a white color. Discussed above options based on the most encountered in the repair of the walls in the apartment. After priming, and it dries you can begin applying the plaster..

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