Tag archives for administration and businesses

Performance Applied

GRATEFULNESS To all the professionals of the Institute ‘ ‘ The Time of the Mestre’ ‘ of the University Cndido Mendes. DEDICATION I mainly dedicate to the present monograph my Erudith fianc, who had much patience with me, in the final straight line of this walked. I remember, also, of the force given for my […]


That measures must be made to diminish the risks of the Investments? Normally, the intention when investing is exactly to see the money to relieve. Therefore, it is important to take some cares, over all in relation the frauds, that can be prevented. It must inquire on investments and companies well, before investing; to speak […]

Operational Manager

The problematic one will turn on the operations of the CUSTOMER, car head and financial mantenedora of the T& V, where surveys in the direction are done of if to evaluate how much he was significant for the Customer To the logistic reorganization implemented by the T&amp company; V. Below the operational manager of the […]


What it has contigente between some activities is a proximity historically and the Power I publish. Much of the ontolgico argument regarding the impossibility of state-owned companies to exert the policy power sends to the quarrel concerning a material content for the utility notion: certain activities, ‘ ‘ for its proper natureza’ ‘ , they […]


THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PEOPLE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECTS. Rosangela Leidentz, AJES. SUMMARY This atigo, of qualitative nature, has as objective to analyze the application of the Management of Projects today used globally and without distinction for great corporations, governments and small non-profit organizations. The leadership in Management of Projects […]


An ample concept of plants fits harmful it as all and any plant found in indesejado place. However, many times, must be faced as allied. The found beneficial characteristics in the species can be many. The proteco of the ground against erosion is one of the aspects most significant of the harmful plants. The competition […]

Plan Master

The PPMP must quarterly be revised and be brought up to date. The planning of the short-term production (PPCP) determines what it will be produced in next the 4 weeks. This period varies of organization for organization in function of the flexibility of the productive process, being able to vary of 3 days up to […]

Annual Cultures

Introduction the productive potential of the cultures depends, among others factors, of the intensity, the time and the infestation of of spontaneous plants. The control is necessary since the same ones compete with the cultures for essential factors for its development, as water, light and nutrients. Beyond serving of shelter for insects, patgenos of illnesses […]

Regional Directions

With the objective to give greater it has supported the Agencies and Regional Managements, it recriou 15 Regional Directions in strategical points of the Country. In the rank of similar products, he will continue supported in the businesses carried through for the segments where it acts, as of bank of investment, stock market, Private Banking, […]


Boarding: To compliment yours truly? To gain confidence? To show interested? It understands it and if to make to understand? To know to say farewell itself? Name or heading MR.? Cuts and considerate? Not it privacy? Eyes: not to be facing or facing? Caution in the questionings? If to delay can ask for excuses? It […]

The Companies

Also they present better performance in the activities that require abilities or specialized jobs, mainly those of more specific character, as the hand of workmanship in equipment weighed, as tractor escavadeiras. They can find better marketing spaces in this segment, therefore generally its collaborators are trained to execute services in all the marks. To invest […]

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