Tag archives for magic

Albert Einstein

Be sure to record it, at least on my mobile. And then try to give him a detailed answer, or at least delve on the issue on the Internet. Details can be found by clicking Hikmet Ersek or emailing the administrator. I am sure you will find many interesting, finding answers to such questions have […]

Natural Graph

Thematic probable emergency or disaster. Power of the likely state of emergency or disaster. The relationship of the likely state of emergency and disaster with other objects or staff of other objects. Source: Governor Cuomo. 1.6. The volume of material and information costs for the prevention of emergency or disaster. Place the probable state of […]

Prophetic Dreams

You have heard the statement: ‘I had a prophetic dream! “. Well, actually, hence the word ‘prophetic’? Fate, destiny, predestination – all that should in a certain place at certain times happen to you. Prophetic dream-reflection future, prevention, preparation for events that are yet to be overcome. If everything is sold to a tee, as […]


Graphically, the characters can be represented by any object: a house, wood, earth, any object, as well as a phenomenon, a process thought. Hieroglyphs, cuneiform letters – a way to transfer information signs. The image circle, triangle, square, carries certain information, regardless of what language we speak, regardless of our feelings and knowledge. Many of […]

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