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Aesthetic Treatment

Reabel method, beauty with medical base One of the fears more frequent than presents/displays the patients who get ready to treat the face wrinkles and furrows, is the one of which the treatment makes them lose the naturalness of its face, and that its face can be inexpressive and fan. Our work, of the consultation […]

The Situation

She does not mumble nor she speaks too fast. Not even the best one of the critics serves, if the other person does not understand what says. 6. It does not insist too much. A long and repetitive critic induces, simply, to that the other person ” desconecte”. It either does not turn his critics […]


It is truth that the biological, cultural, psychological factors and of education influence and determine that of, or no, a violent conduct in the home. It would seem that the patriarcado one badly still understood takes capricious forms in the form of violence, aggression, control, blows, mistreats to determine the forms and ways of the […]

To Guarantee Indepencia In The Oldness

Next to the defects they it age with himself bring are the senior scared to be separated from it, since they sensation must often it be a load for others. Also for the relatives of an aged man this must be avoided much the situations. Although it would be wanted to help where it is […]

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