The Baker

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At one point my practice partners took to calling me 'the baker'. I have to have established some kind of record with the number of donuts that I took in the game of the tournament. I was so tired of hearing the question: "Man, what happened?" that developed a personal policy not to mention the score from outside the racquetball court. Whether you went ahead on the scoreboard or not, I never talk about it. Period.

This policy of not recognizing the score grew within me a total lack of interest in it. I like going to parties with personal goals that had nothing to do with what was in the score or how the party turned out. What I began to find was that the less energy I put into keeping score, the more I had to put in the game. What I think made me a better player, because the best I received in the control of this approach have played Saturday and Sunday. (That's a good thing.) Mentally release the marker just freed me up play, he had no problem doing this once I figured. Here is the meat. When it comes to focus on what they realize it is their decision. In life you can choose to focus on what other people think is important, or you could pick two or three things for yourself.

Things that are important to you. You can say what is important and accept what they have said, or you could find out for yourself when your focus should be on the basis of what works for you. Do not be afraid to be different. That's the beauty of the system were all here together. We're all going to the same place, but we all have different road maps to get there. The route should not be exactly like mine, because my trip is not your trip. How to get to where we go is between you and your inner guidance. In closing I encourage you to be you. Examine what works for you and give them to do more. Things do not work for you, discard them. If focusing on the bookmark does not work for you then forget that it exists. Set your own scoring system. Make your own rules. Define things on their own terms. Of course, there is an established framework of work in which we must all work, but I found that the boundaries of this framework is much farther than they first appear to be. Do not expect to be taken to where you want to go, be your own leader. Go there. Thanks for your time. Live some. Love some. Learn some. Every day. C. .. Clyde Dennis, aka "Mr. How-To" is written and published articles and online newsletters since 1999. Bates. Clyde EASYHow company provides publications "How-To" information on how to "do, be or have just about one thing you can imagine. For more information, visit. Email correspondence for Clyde should be sent to:

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