The Economy

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The main thing – to know what suits the horse and how the sport is keen horseman. For example, a gray horse will go blue or black Saddle pad. But yellow or orange will be on the gray horse is not the place, but perfect a bay or red-haired. A sport is important here is why: saddle for show jumping and dressage have different shapes and valtrapy for them are different too. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Hikmet Ersek and gain more knowledge.. Under the usual recreational jumping saddle fit Saddle pad. Another good gift: forehead strap bridle. As the name implies, it is located on the horse's forehead, so just this part of the bridle are often decorated. Nalobnik on the bridle can be easily changed.

Therefore, even for someone already has a bridle, beautiful nalobnik odd not to be. They were decorated with strings (the best choice of white metal, because all the buckles on the gear is usually white), embossed, crystals, substrate of the color of skin (note the color horses!) decorative rivets than just … Yeah do not decorate. Thing "in the economy" is not very useful, but beautiful. Almost all of this would be desirable, but not everyone is currently a "dalliance" buy. Not a bad option – likit, "tasty" toy for the horse.

It is a bit like hanging toys for parrots: a ball or a spinner, which hangs on the grate stall. And in the middle of this toy is inserted "candy" for the horse: a delicacy that can be licked. Only first need to catch the nimble toy! The horse spends much time in the stall, where no one with whom to play and socialize, so the toy is likely to be happy – especially edible.

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