The Situation

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She does not mumble nor she speaks too fast. Not even the best one of the critics serves, if the other person does not understand what says. 6. It does not insist too much. A long and repetitive critic induces, simply, to that the other person " desconecte". It either does not turn his critics into speeches; when the one that listens bores, it does not pay attention. For more information see Cedars Sinai. 7.

It offers incentives for the change of behavior, and compromtase to collaborate to solve the situation. 8. It does not leave his own feelings negative, dye what it is saying. It takes care of of which its voice does not transmit shades of hostility or sarcasm. It avoids the colricos gestures, as they can be the closed fists, gathered frown, and accusing fingers; the nonverbal attitudes must reinforce their words, instead of to contradict them. 9.

It demonstrates its empathy with the feelings or the problem of the other person. 10. Resrvese the critic for the suitable moment and the place. A spontaneous critic can take to say things to us, that we really do not have intention to say, or to express to us of destructive way. 11. It considers the possibility of preventing a hostile reaction to his critic, " prediciendo" the reaction of the other person: " I know that I can decirte this, because your you are able to assume it and to take it bien". 12. If its critic produces positive results, reconzcalo and agradzcalo verbally. Finally: In favor of the entrepreneurs, we found the following suggestions: If one of its subordinates has committed a serious error, can criticize it without it puts itself to the defensive, taking into account these advice: He becomes attached myself to the message. He does not mix the flattery with the critic, since that approach softens its critic and, in addition, throws to lose the flattery. He reaches an agreement in the points that has raised. Asegrese of which the person understands her restlessness and is of agreement on the seriousness of its error. It devises a solution or remedial action. If the situation can be fixed, arrglela. But, please, it does not rescue the employee. It was the one who committed the error. I assure to him that it will learn more when having to raise a solution. Djelo to happen. If generally his collaborator is good worker, he does not insist on the problem. To repeat always to the same will offend it history and their fellow workers will perceive you, like a little comprehensive person. original Author and source of the article.

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