Tag archives for medicine

Cold Remedies

* A little cool and drink hot. After that lie down in bed and wrap up warmly. If you managed to catch a sore throat at the beginning, would be sufficient only one taking this folk remedy for treating sore throats. And to prevent a sore throat drink 1 tsp. aloe juice, 1 per day […]

Respiratory Viral Infection

months, Rita fever up to 39 – 40 degrees! Inna immediately showed the child the doctors and pediatrician diagnosed Acute Respiratory Viral Infection. Rita was appointed medical treatment. For the deepest Unfortunately, after 30 days of treatment, the desired effect was not. Child was sent to the full survey. Alex Caruso often expresses his thoughts […]

Blood Rheology

As a result, the drug is Photostim improve blood rheology, erythrocyte aggregation and platelets, which reduces the risk of thrombotic complications. The ability of chlorophyll derivatives to bind to LDL and very low density (LDL and VLDL) reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and makes effective use of Fotostima in patients with atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, […]

PhD Michael Riganu

Beauties on the heels often suffer from heart disease and even frigidity. Elegant women’s legs in high heels have always been concerned small male imagination. The fair sex is well aware of this and actively use their ‘secret weapon’ for centuries. As with themselves feel seductress, said as it is not accepted. It is known […]


According to numerous surveys, research psychologists, chronobiology come to the same conclusion: in the weekly rhythm of performance varies considerably industrial workers and employees – on Monday about low productivity, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, it increases and then on Friday and Saturday again reduced. Similar dynamics is observed in performance of pupils and students. It […]

Recent Advances In The Treatment Of Heroin Addiction

addicts do not exist! “This is taken from the slang used by drug addicts. They could not be more aptly express the fundamental problem faced by doctors throughout the world in an attempt to treat heroin addiction. In Russian literature is the so-called “syndrome of pathological craving for the drug,” which accompanies the treated drug […]

Indications Application

If there is Lyapko – you will jump high, my head hurts do not, and will sciatica … Recently, well established a new method of needle impact on the reflex zones of a sick organism. Developed her, and then brought into life, the famous Ukrainian doctor reflexologist NG Lyapko. Inexpensive and easy to use Lyapko […]

Global Consumerism

The predisposition of throwaway many products The low quality of some products that carry a relatively low period of life which are attractive for its low cost but in the long term are more expensive, and are more harmful to the environment. Some diseases such as obesity or depression which make us more easily believe […]

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