Novel Development

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Somehow I have already said that only a general understanding of developments in the novel and almost do not know how it will end. Most of all I fear his own temperament, because if I was too early to understand what the outcome story, then I will not be interesting, and improvisation on a given topic I have become a routine description of the events. Regarding the number of pages written in one sitting, then I must confess that he wrote a few more than exhibited on the Internet, but I needed time to editorial changes and proofs, while avoiding errors did not succeed, so exhibited only that the time to edit. – And if you do not want to destroy the already written chapter? And are you going to edit the novel? In the process – no. And then Frankly, I do not know, there are some rhythmic drawdown, but the cardinal edition do not intend to, you may need only a small cosmetic work, and a professional proofreader, of course. – From your point of view, the experiment was a success? – I do not know. With a total circulation of my books, not exceeding 30 thousand copies, 2300 readers in 38 days – the result, I seems to be quite decent. – And how do you explain that your books are published by relatively small print runs? – Laminated subjects, the lack of "buckets of blood>> good Russian language and the peculiarity of my style, which I said above, that is what the reader as a spectator in the theater, must choose: who is "good>> and who is" bad>> without prompting from the author. .

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