Tag archives for finance

Deception in Business

Of course, there is a question for readers not yet familiar with the program in detail, for example, where are the millions of customers (retailers). This is correct and important question, because all of the benefits are a consequence of the decision of the main issue with employers (retailers) and the system of sale of […]

Get A Loan Easy? Get Rid Of Illusions !

Experts say that the market for consumer credit and express slowly getting back to normal. On the one hand, it is true. On the other – on their own to get a loan these days is very difficult, and even if you do this, you will be strangled by exorbitant interest. Banks actively advertise the […]

Regional Development Agency

Cut staff and production for optimization of business in a situation to lack of credit resources have begun metallurgical corporation, some financial institutions, developers and retailers. So, according to sources agencies in the trading industry, retailers ‘Patterson’ and alpi reduced by about a third of employees. To a serious loss of staff is preparing a […]

Czech Republic

Reasons for refusing a visa Consulate Czech Republic is elementary and without much explanation. 56 of the Law on Foreigners in the Czech Republic you can find a few excuses for failure, justified and not justified. Czech Foreign Ministry and its subordinate offices Consulate of Czech Republic in the different countries in all possible ways […]

Company Discount Finance

Another common method of fraud in lending is making the documents required for a loan. Typically, this package includes: manufacturer copy of employment record, certified by the employer making inquiries about income on Form 2-income tax or in the form of the bank telephone confirmation of employment price of such “package” from various sources ranging […]

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