Tag archives for health

Love Patient Complaints

By treating appeal to the active complaint management Berlin, 25.10.2010 – “patient complaints are important impulses for the continuous improvement of practice processes”, Ute C. Amting, corporate and medical consultant says the Kock & Voeste GmbH. Ute C. Amting advises doctors and dentists for many years in the area of quality management and advises the […]

Aesthetic Treatment

Reabel method, beauty with medical base One of the fears more frequent than presents/displays the patients who get ready to treat the face wrinkles and furrows, is the one of which the treatment makes them lose the naturalness of its face, and that its face can be inexpressive and fan. Our work, of the consultation […]

Chronic Hepatitis, Cirrhosis

Chronic, progressive disease characterized by destruction of liver cells and the accumulation of decay products in the liver. Lead to liver failure, jaundice and metabolic disorders. 1. Application Stimulants Piocal favorably affects: reduced jaundice, until its complete disappearance, there is a restoration and improves liver cells (hepatocytes). 2. Harmonizer also contributes to the restoration of […]

Become Pregnant

Do you believe that forty years can not get nothing better because it is living the life that he has always wanted with the success that it has achieved? There is a feeling of emptiness when he realized that these things become useless when you have no one with whom to share it? If you […]

Irritation Of The Eyes – Irritated Eyes

Information about: irritation of eyes to PC and TV – unhealthy. At the present time, the eyes are often quickly irritated. Although they are designed to perceive movement and images at different intervals, these eyes are not needs mostly through visual media, pressure in the profession and stress. In the profession, in which most of […]

European Holiday

Montezuma s revenge at the turn of the year give no chance many people are planning to escape to the turn of the year the cold season with us and to spend a few lovely days in the heat. With proper preparation, the holiday can be enjoyed also correctly. However, there are also risks that […]

What Nursing Is Right For Me?

Expert advice for care at home, not all care can be maintained adequately by relatives, friends or acquaintances. In this case, the maintenance fund paid maintenance for a licensed ambulatory care services. Prerequisite for the assumption of costs is the existence of a level of care. For more information see george harrison. Of course the […]

Prostate Cancer

Imbalance in the supply of certain trace elements in prostate cancer is one of the cancers that are associated with the diet of affected men in context. So, there are a number of clues that the balanced supply of trace elements is an important component for a healthy prostate and thus the basis for successful […]

Gentle Blood Lipids Regulate

Special linseed oil with much Omega-3 fatty acids is of high value Omega-3 fatty acids from the healthy vegetable oils play a prominent role in the balanced diet. They are known for a variety of health-promoting properties. This is again detected in scientific studies. Under the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is […]

German Suffers

Hearing loss provides physician in everyday hospital with enormous challenges of almost every 6 German suffers a hearing loss, experts estimate. However, the issue of deafness (as most of the hearing damage) is still a taboo subject, but a hearing aid often is considered by many as the visible signs of aging. “But: our society […]

Accessibility Of Dentistry

In any case, you need to understand – nothing is wasted. If at the entrance sits a guard sitting in the locker room attendant and a doctor working already three nurses – pay all these additional staff will pay for it is you and other patients this clinic. Single private clinic or a branch network. […]

Best Marketing Trick

The invention of the swine flu is the best marketing trick for over a hundred years! Or do you believe in this disease? The Germans as a pupil of centrally controlled insecurity can be vaccinated for expensive money – other people do not. Self extermination of the Germans or the other? More likely the former. […]

MedJournal Dr

Also in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are already known in 1,000 years of complex interrelationships between mind, body and soul. Relaxation programs can also help its fertility. Many women become pregnant, extricate itself from the pressure to have a child. This stress is very important first for the body. He puts the body in […]

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