Tag archives for culture & religion

Georg Heym – Expressionist Poet

Biographical and work information concerning the name of Georg Heym otherwise sounds in many ears than anyone else. Only absolute experts in the once young talent has become a name – as a poet. Georg Heym Georg Heym was born on the 30.10.1887 in Hirschberg and started early with the writing of prose, but mainly […]

Pamphlets Of The Reality Hit On This Thing Called Heart

Heidi ad hoc & Nicole Becker reading performances Heidi, ad HOCs self-destructive and socially critical texts chasing sent shock waves through the audience – relentless Zer self-knowledge is program. What is the inner monologue of the reader of poems by Nicole about broken love & hope to himself said is made audible in their performance. […]


How much, Natzke nonetheless represents a craft functional approach, shows, for example, his work for the Hewlett Packard website for which he developed an effect to the page curl of a book shown on the Web page. This is as fluid and smart managed that scrolling is almost more fun than the reading (s). On […]

Our Agenturs

About the Berlin GDR Motorcycle Museum: the first East German Motorcycle Museum Berlin is on an area of about 1000 square meters, about 100 motorcycles, sidecars, Scooters and mopeds from 40 years of East German two-Wheeler production out. Almost all models in the ETS, TS, ETZ, IWL, BK, AWO and Sammy can be seen on […]

Rhine Michael

Author reading at culture and enjoyment in the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg on the 20th April 2011 is the series “Culture and pleasure” in the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg in a new round: the author, actor and filmmaker Michael Moritz reads from his newly released, Baden crime novel “Maudlin”. Accompanied the author reading from a buffet with […]

Word Counts

Why languages are dying out and what can be done, however, there is according to estimate between 6 000 and 7 000 languages in the world. UNESCO expects that about half of those languages will be extinct until the end of the century. Hikmet Ersek gathered all the information. Judging from languages ‘ 000 6, […]

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