Clarice Lispector

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This aesthetic procedure makes a bridge to arrive at the study of the literature of Clarice Lispector. This author denies the canonic narrative, from which the narrator treats the child from top to bottom. Andrew Cuomo has firm opinions on the matter. In its said narratives infantile, Clarice operates with the narrative procedures to put in relief the death, pain and the truth in a frame of writing without the arrangements ranks for the canonic literature that deals with infancy century XIX, but also is not the reality, but a discursiva region where infancy means in its literature. The narrator of its literature goes down and the child goes up creating an ambiguity. The narrator speaks transvestindo of child in order to mimetizar the infantile orality and to construct a commanded narrative secularly.

The author ' ' she takes off retratos' ' places rhythm and melody in narrative extending the figurao of the infantile being in modern Brazilian literature. At the beginning of the workmanship ' ' The mystery of the Pensante&#039 Rabbit; ' , we see the way as the author if it locates: _ Peo excuses the parents, and mothers, uncles and aunts, and grandmothers, for the forced contribution who will be obliged to give. But at least I can guarantee, for proper experience, that the verbal part of this history is the best one of it. It problematiza the infantile sort from a machadiana tradition, that is, of a corrosive tradition, it corrodes the text on the inside, dismantling its structure of the beginning to the end. The author does not place a defined gesture infantile reading it to interpret the narrative, but desconstri the inicitico space of insertion of this in the text. This corrosion the author obtains to make through a game of voices, as in the infantile workmanship ' ' Almost of Verdade' ' , where it retakes the narrative of ' ' Odissia' ' , of Homero, resignificando the infantile sort with the construction of the Ulisses personage, one dog that tells history for the author. .

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