Control Panel Domain

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Buying a domain is very easy, here I show how to buy a .com domain from godaddy platform. This page is in English, but don’t worry because it is fairly intuitive and explain you step by step what you have to do. GoDaddy is the provider of domains larger and more efficient network, with headquarters in the United States. If you want to buy a domain with another extension (. net, .info, .org, etc), the procedure is the same, and there are also other servers that sell domains at Godaddy part. Then begin: register an account on Godaddy you must enter Godaddy platform >.

Then, on the home page, above, das click on Create Account. Displays a form which you have 2 parts: Contact Your Information here will have to fill the boxes with your real data, since La ICCAN (body which regulates and supervises providers of domains) through godaddy may wish to check your information and contact you to ensure that you are the owner of your domain. In the form, Password Hint, is a keyword that you use if you lose your password, and the Call-in PIN, is a number which you identify if at any time you want to contact you by phone to the company. Stay Informed here you can chop on any box and agree to keep you informed about any eventuality, offers, or discounts that are made. I recommend that if you don’t know English, you better leave this part like this. To continue, click on Create a New Account then that, then your panel management, and your name at the top. Also really an identification number called Customer Number, which you can use instead of your username to login to your Godaddy account, if you wish. Buy your domain .com once inside your Control Panel, go to the menu Products and places the domain name that you want to search for, without leaving spaces and without accents.

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