Rio Grande

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In accordance with Andrade, on the importance of the tourism for the Region affirms. The tourism is another great creative activity of verge for the Northeast, that presents some conditions that facilitate its diffusion. Having a temperature raised during all the year and a great extension of arenaceous beaches, the region has conditions to attract a great amount of Brazilians of other areas and foreigners … (ANDRADE, p.282) and everything this happen mainly in the States of the Cear, Rio Grande of the North, Bahia, Alagoas, Sergipe and Piau. Offering the tourism in diverse attractive natural, cultural and economic as: mountains, plateaus, plains, lands insulares, hydrography, fall d? water, rivers, lakes, parks and reserves of the flora and fauna, grottos, caves, furnas, archaeological small farms, historical beaches, manguezais, bays, coves, etc. In monuments, small farms, cultural institutions of study and research, parties, symposiums, commemorations, typical gastronomia, artesanato, fairs and markets, folklore, etc.

In the areas mineral, agricultural (irrigated and sequeira), pastoral, agro-industrial, industrial, maricultura, sericicultura, carcinocultura, hunting and fish etc. Ahead CONCLUSION of this scene, recognize the importance of Brazilian the Half-Barren Coast, although its intense basic and found economic activities in this sub-region, that it understands the great developed sufficient commercial and industrial complexes throughout centuries since the beginning of its settling. Through the study of the production affinities prevalecentes in Half-Barren, recommending the maintenance of the conviviality between old and new forms of production, that collaborate to individualizar the spaces and, equally, benefiting of greater or minor economic dynamism. Since then until today, the region was very destroyed by a natural problem, confronted for the successive devastao of the bushes, mainly for the culture of sugar cane-of-sugar and in the creation of cattle. But, although it dries, the Northeast has many natural resources that can well be applied. As example, we can remember the plantation of some native products of the region, or that they are adjusted to its climate well.

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