Tag archives for management

Success Goals

Success has come to mean many things for people in today’s changing society, but some of its aspects are still fundamentally the same. Success, either financial, emotional, physical or spiritual, consists in the achievement and a sense of accomplishment and positive feelings associated with the creation of happiness. The success that is based on the […]

Relaxing Massage

Therapies offered in a natural or campestre center spa are invited to learn to listen to each person’s human body to diagnose, prevent and heal, by activating the immune system allowing its self-healing naturally. A comprehensive spa or holistic day are based on three fundamental pillars: integral wellness or well-being for body, mind and spirit […]

Russian Federation

The so-called in the Federal Law “On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation” (the Act) assessment reports on the evaluation of any practicing appraiser care and scientific evaluation of the community. Unfortunately, officials from the evaluation are not interested in any According to scientists, practitioners or requests, although they are obliged to take into account […]

Mexico First

Two presentations that will undoubtedly be of great interest and utility for attendees, are corresponding to the success story of prose, as well as the presentation of the Benchmark for the levels of maturity of the management of it services in Mexico and LAM. Second day attendees will have the opportunity to implement processes of […]

White House

Both one and other problems are for Brazil and the Government of the White House’s vital and urgent solution, which brings them in a certain way in a common destiny, at least with regard to their interests within Latin America. In this way, an alliance between the two countries (leaders in their region) consolidation, would […]

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