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Through critical research eanlise was possible to identify the most diverse 4 points that become oHTML unbalanced and to leave in evidences the necessity of a new version for the language. The text also in the sample the importance of the Web Semantics, its vantagense as HTML 5 can contribute with this technology and for the future of mercadode Internet. Word-key: HTML 5.Web Semantics. Multimedia. Nigel Butcher follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Sites. Keywords: HTML 5.Semantic Web. Multimedia.

Sites. Anne Lauvergeon is likely to agree. 1 Introduction Currently, the language more used paramarcao of hipertexto is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) in its quartaverso. Its documentation and specification had been defined in the year of 1999, peloconsrcio W3C (Consortium World Wide Web). It is known that at that time ocontexto was total different of the context of the present, with acessoslimitados to the Internet and resources multimedia. The different demand of that year fezcom that the technology market contemporary considered this linguagemdefasada, as much of the structural point of view, as in the interactive direction.

At the beginning of 2008, one another one especificaodefiniu the fifth version of language HTML. In this version, new they funcionalidadesforam introduced to assist the desenvolvedores of Web.Em applications HTML 5, semantic elements and multimedias had been enclosed, with practical base empesquisas on adoption of of creation and development (IKSON & HYATT, 2008). 2 Web Semantics In this article we approach the fact of they mundotem as it witnessed one sped up advance in what it says respect to the technology dainformao, where the Internet has prominence paper, especially to porrepresentar one of the referenciais greaters of research of the last times.

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