Local Plans Region

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In 2003 with the creation of the Ministry of the cities we have advanced in some points, however to think the way as the Habitacional politics is thought all needs to think concrete alternatives of as to have sustainable cities in the Amaznia, a time that the great majority of the periurbanos cities not yet the habitacional Politics and the reality and our cities dialogue with not adjusts to the criteria adopted for the Statute of the Cities, what it means to say how much the reinforcement of the quarrels is important of as to face these challenges that ours region faces and as that it does not dialogue with the reality of ours Cities. In this direction that the federal government prioritized in this government to all retake the planning of the habitacional sector as the process of elaboration of the Plans of Habitation of Social interest, and with this lode if to consolidate a new landmark politician with respect to regulation of legal landmarks of the habitacional sector, as well as a decentralized model of management, democratic and participativo and was in this way that the work of elaboration of the Local Plans of Habitation of Social Interest of 23 Cities in the state of Par between them was lead all four cities of the transamaznica: Victory of the Xingu, Senator Jose Porfririo, Anapu and New Brazil. What so important instrument of management for these cities stimulated the popular participation in the construction of this. What in them it stimulates to raise it reflections on the concept of cities jousts and sustainable for this region finishes entering in conflict, mainly now with all ' ' investimento' ' thought for this region with the construction of the second bigger Hydroelectric plant of the world, what it does not reflect in the improvement of life of the local population, but yes about the reinforcement of the great capital.

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