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It is truth that the biological, cultural, psychological factors and of education influence and determine that of, or no, a violent conduct in the home. It would seem that the patriarcado one badly still understood takes capricious forms in the form of violence, aggression, control, blows, mistreats to determine the forms and ways of the supremacy of the man. This vulnerable patriarcado that does not allow to see the other like a separated human being, but like a property to whom it is possible to be dominated to him, to be chantajear, to be scared, to intimidate, and why no, until killing. The intransigencia of one taken patriarchal conception until its last consequences, is one of the most urgent conditions not to see the other like an equal, of right and human way. In the violence different spaces from the individual life are invaded eg: the physicist. Here we found, blows, maltratos and even until the possibility of having sex and violations of an aggressive way. Also is the space of the emotional thing, the harassment, the threats, the indifference, the disqualifications take place from a daily way.

The bad words, the offenses and the punishments, are par excellence you rule of interaction. Also one is the social space of and the cultural thing; prohibitions, angers by the friendships of the pair, aggressions to their place of work, distrust and until prohibitions take place from a way that can be observed the supremacy of the male. They do not manage to realize by his same state of vulnerability that when allowing it, to the being most obliging, doing what its pair orders to them, is going deep plus the problem. Since men violent, while they obtain more, more violent they become. At heart of everything conduca does violence to hides a twisted factor of the human condition, in which to relations it settles down: control and power.

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