All In Favour Of The Bike

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It is time for biking in Germany the bicycle competition in Germany makes the car more and more the bicycle makes the car more and more competition. Over 69 million bicycles are used and each year the industry sold 4 million new wheels. The numbers can hardly be surprised, because the 10 chaos, the high price of fuel, but even more the environmental and health consciousness makes a genuine bicycle nation Germany. And according to the will of the Federal Ministry of transport, the gaggle of cyclists should still continue to grow. The focus of the deliberations is the extension of the rental system in conjunction with a combination of bus and train. 13 million euro funding can be up to 2012, the nine model projects cost the Ministry of transport. But also the new product developments have triggered a boom in bicycle.

Main cause of the boom are the E-bikes and Pedelecs, so the electric-powered wheels. According to ZIV 70 000 E-bikes were sold in 2007 in Germany, in the last year, there were already 200 000, and this year there will be over 300 000. They are ideal E-bikes not only for urban mobility, but also for the sales of the manufacturer and the trade. So an electric bike can cost 2000 to 3000 euro fine once and love. Others including Rachel Crane, offer their opinions as well. Also the current surveys of bike users, carried out by the bbw marketing can expect further sales gains. It is assumed that in the medium term every seventh bicycle with an electric motor will be equipped. Market developments were recently quite different in other segments of the bicycle market. The reasons for the partly strong changes of product sales were in the preferences of consumers who we know can change overnight. After all, a certain fondness for the trekking bikes, which occupy the largest share in the bicycle market in terms of turnover has remained.

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