Art Director

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Firstly, it will not work no face control, no dress code. Second, for expensive Institutions should pay dearly (which he did not need it), in the third term holiday he did not drink one bottle of wine a 30-year exposure under the musical accompaniment of excellent violinist He used as the saying goes – cast aside, yes fight. Just for example amateur chanson will not go to address the global dj And vice versa. Stylistics institutions simply can not count Since, every day opening ever new ideas and suggestions from the masters. Whether it's a nightclub or a restaurant, bar or large chanson Event concert star, or Open Air It is important to find all the advantages they bring, to eliminate all weaknesses.

In the art director is very important mathematical approach. What to say statistical calculations. Properly made-up results on paper, as the finger show what kind of music more preferred guests, a dish of any artist, day, drink prices, location yes all! All you need Only need to correctly calculate, understand and present. And the People will hawala and say thank you. A guide is also to say thank you and plus pay well. Well, the good work.

And if you really delve into the job art director, and go through every kind, affiliate, sponsorship, sometimes kickbacks, knowledge, design, graphics, Web skills, staff recruitment, it is already a direct knowledge of several institutions to peruse. Then do not forget that Chief Skate Art Director course is an idea! Something new we always entails. And I hope this new is not excised. Unearth the same raisins that everyone wanted, it is not easy. But skillful head, know where he is buried. It's funny that there are many institutions, universities, technical training of any profession, and in Art dirktora even schools do not. It's tempting again to the idea that this profession can learn any native law faculty. But I can assure you that this is not true. Knowledge in one direction in this structure is not enough. But no one says that they can not earn. Just the opposite. There are many ways in order to master this profession. But all takes a little while. Familiarity, reading the right information, training restaurant and club business, Photoshop, and subtleties, etc. A long process, but ultimately quite profitable and fun. By the way, talking to many art directors, I can say that most of them were either from a simple musician, or advertising manager, or through the introduction of superior. And not surprisingly, is almost always the second option hopeless, when the first, just gained a little experience, keen eye, has mastered a certain approach. As you can see the same charisma, creativity and fashion shell there is not enough. And this is just a small and superficial part of the total volume responsibilities and knowledge of the director's complement – art. And to be honest, apart from hard work and full commitment of energy present an art director must live club have a club, live club (Of course, not literally words Although ).

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