Cognitive Development Through Play

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The cognitive area refers to how the child is becoming aware of itself and its environment, as separate entities. As it develops, its relations with objects or people around him become more complex. Therefore, the main objective of this area is that the child develop cognitive strategies that can adapt to the problems to be found in the early years. Thredup has compatible beliefs. The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget described the concept of permanent object as one of the most important acquisitions in the cognitive development of children. At first, the baby finds that there is only what he sees or perceives at the time. More info: Governor Cuomo. Little by little, as it becomes aware that he is something different and separated from his mother and the rest of their environment, also are becoming aware that objects or people there but at that time is not perceived.

The reason to include here the game is probably the most important factor in the child’s cognitive development, as their main learning experiences are achieved during treatment. The cognitive game is one that reveals the mental development of children. This type of game evolves as the child advances in cognitive development. The small progresses from repetitive gameplay that is simple muscle movements (rolling a ball). From there it passes to constructive play (building a tower of blocks), then you can place the so-called symbolic play (play the teacher, mother, doctor, etc..), Then go to formal game with rules (ladies Chinese, etc.).. Cognitive development in the game creates and develops mental structures, promoting creativity – manipulative games are a tool of development thinking. – The game is a learning resource that creates areas of potential development.

– Leisure activity attracts the attention and memory. – The symbolic or representational play promotes cognitive decentralization. – The game originates and develops the imagination and creativity. – The game encourages discrimination fantasy and reality, and scientific and mathematical thinking. – The game is communication and facilitate the development of coherent language. – The fiction that brings the game is a way of development of abstract thought.

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