Educational Environment

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The environment appears then as domain of application of knowledge already submitted to the comment and the characterization of the practical redefined human being being, if necessary, of the point of view of the research interdisciplinares and to multidiscipline. It still has a concept of environment of the point of view humanist who satisfies one better tunning: the environment possesss in humanismo one meaning that implies conditions which the people and the beings live and develop themselves, being still the total addition of the influences that modify or determine the development of the life. The environment denotes, beyond physical support the marks of the human work, where the man, not as mere spectator, prints to the places where he lives. It also signals the potential that the physical support, from its natural characteristics has for the man who if considers to explore it and to live deeply it. You may want to visit Cyrus zocdoc to increase your knowledge. (HOLZER, 1997) This environment space of relations and accomplishments human beings holds a infinity of components stimulated for the understanding human being and of construction of the society, it enters they practical it of the tourism. The imposition of ambient practical economic and social necessities for more jousts stops with the way is generalized in them speaks, either of the academy, either of the public power, however the protection to the nature many times is treated as a protection to the natural resources, this raw material for the production, without a direction of preservation of biodiversity and the proper culture.

The difficulties of the relationship of the man and environment are tied the different perceptions of what it is nature. Thus the cultural trace is defining of the relations, contributing for the conservation or the extinguishing of environments. The respect and the knowledge of environments possess in the Ambient Education a primordial tool to reach the society, without this any action in the way can reach catastrophic conditions.

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