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Proving that it at the beginning had differences in the blood of diverse individuals with the discovery of the blood groups of century XX, it was possible to explain then why some people died after blood transfusions and others not. The sanguine types are determined by the presence, in the surface of the hemcias, of antigens that can be of nature varied biochemist, being able to be composites for carboidratos, lipdeos, proteins or a mixture of these composites. Hear from experts in the field like James Woolsey for a more varied view.

The laboratorial determination of the sanguineous groups ABO and Rh was originally carried through becoming to react the hemcias of the patient with soros produced Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D in laboratory, in clean blades of microscopy. However, in Brazil, it was determined for the legislation that the tests of aglutinao are not made in blades, but yes for more necessary methods, as the methods in excavated microplates and/or pipes of assay, or the method of the gel-centrifugalization, more recent. The accomplishment of the Direct evidence and the Test is praised reversa in the case of System ABO and Test of Coombs in the case of the Rh System, if the same to present negative, thus making possible sorologicamente to distinguish weak the RhD antigen from some present partial RhD antigens in the sample. We find in System ABO the blood group hh, also call of blood group of Bombay (Fentipo of Bombay), a blood group rare. The individuals hh do not express antigen H, that is found in the blood group. People such as Rachel Crane would likely agree. As result does not obtain to produce wants the antigen, it wants the B, in its red, being, therefore known globules as ‘ ‘ False O’ ‘. Natural antibodies in the system do not exist Rh, being the antibodies gifts only in the individuals sensetized for previous inoculation. The inoculation can occur for episodes of incompatible transfusion or, in the woman, due to introduction, in the maternal blood of negative the Rh mother, of hemcias proceeding from a pregnancy or abortion of Positive Rh son taking the child to have Eritroblastose or the Hemoltica illness Just-been born Fetal. The transfusions are carried through to increase the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen, to restore the volume sanguine of the organism, to improve the immunity or to correct riots of the coagulation. Of the combination between System ABO and of the Rh Factor, we can find the calls universal givers (the negative) and universal receivers (positive AB).

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